Moved by Councillor Santos,
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a dramatic (70%) drop in transit ridership;
AND WHEREAS public health guidelines and individual perceptions, have severely reduced desire and demand for public transportation, which previously moved over 100,000 Winnipeggers car-free every day;
AND WHEREAS an increase in vehicle transportation will have negative consequences for our climate change targets, Winnipeg commute times, community quality of life and public safety;
AND WHEREAS many Winnipeggers who lack access to private automobiles are left with very few options for safe ways to get to work, grocery stores and other essential services;
AND WHEREAS the current Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Routes do not properly serve Winnipeggers who lack access to vehicles and proper public transportation;
AND WHEREAS bicycle retailers have reported a massive surge in purchasing bikes;
AND WHEREAS the Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Routes has been reported to help with the effort to assist with physical distancing requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic;
AND WHEREAS cities around the world are taking dramatic steps to expand their active transportation networks to provide citizens with safe physical distancing, as well as safe ways to get to work, grocery stores and other essential services;
AND WHEREAS the Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Routes should remain a 7-day a week, seasonal route until a COVID-19 vaccine treatment is deemed safe and stable enough for mass vaccination and beyond;
AND WHEREAS it is important that all local Councillors should have input on any changes to the active transportation routes located within their respective wards;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Winnipeg Public Service be directed to:
1. Create a proposal that considers recommendations from Winnipeg Trails Association that combines new temporary facilities, temporary wayfinding signage and expand the Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Routes city-wide which should be integrated with the permanent active transportation network;
2. Consult with local Councillors, Active Transportation Advisory Committee and other stakeholders such as Winnipeg Trails Association, Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg;
3. Amend the by-law 91/2014 and take all other necessary steps to extend the annual active transportation route schedule from the current expiry date to remain a 7-day a week, seasonal route, until a COVID-19 vaccine treatment is deemed safe and stable enough for mass-vaccination and beyond;
4. Report back to the appropriate standing policy committee within 60 days with options and costs of the expanded Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Routes and active transportation routes initiative.
The motion was put and in view of a tie vote, was declared lost in accordance with Rule 54 of The Procedure By-law No. 50/2007.