Moved by Councillor Santos,
WHEREAS there was recent media coverage of the installation of a new loading zone on Main Street adjacent to 211 Bannatyne Avenue;
AND WHEREAS the Public Service advised that there was a need to accommodate a safe drop off and pick up loading zone for the children and families that attend the music and dance studio located at 211 Bannatyne Avenue;
AND WHEREAS the Exchange District and surrounding area is well known for being a pedestrian and bike friendly community;
AND WHEREAS the Exchange District and surrounding area is a mixed use residential and commercial community that needs to accommodate vehicular traffic, bicycles, transit, and pedestrians;
AND WHEREAS there is an interest to pursue a Pilot Project for a Shared Streets concept in the Exchange District Area, specifically located on the following streets:
1. Albert Street between Bannatyne and Notre Dame Avenues,
2. Arthur Street between Bannatyne and Notre Dame Avenues, and
3. Bannatyne Avenue between Main and King Streets;
AND WHEREAS a Shared Streets concept will combine cycling, pedestrians, social activities, parking, and local car traffic to create a shared public space;
1. The Office of the Public Engagement, Transportation Division and Planning, Property & Development Department consult with the businesses and residences in the Exchange District area regarding a Pilot Project for a Shared Streets concept.
2. Throughout this process, the area Ward Councillor be consulted with on an ongoing basis.
3. The Public Service be directed to develop a cost estimate and conceptual design for the Shared Streets concept in the Exchange District area.
4. The Public Service be directed to report back to the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal & Public Works within 180 days.